There are different methods by which you can lose weight. Some of them are designed for months, while others promise rapid weight loss in a matter of weeks. The Lesenka diet consists of observing a restrictive diet for only 7 days. According to the comments of many girls, during this time it is possible to lose up to 8 kg.
The rules and principles of the Lesenka diet
The name of the diet plan for weight loss is closely related to the idea of the diet: you must take 7 steps, sometimes not quite easy, to say goodbye to excess weight in the waist, abdomenand not forever. When and by whom the diet was developed and its rules are not known for sure, but this does not prevent this method from attracting more and more fans every year.
The Lesenka Diet for 7 Days refers to a low carbohydrate fast diet. Its main principle is based on using a minimum amount of calories per day. During the weight loss phase, the following points should be kept in mind:
- The diet isn't balanced, so to replenish your supply of vitamins and minerals, start taking a multivitamin a few days before starting.
- You can only eat a certain type of food each day, not a large portion. The menu should be designed so that there are snacks every 2-3 hours.
- Make sure to drink plenty of water - up to 2 liters per day. Suitable non-carbonated mineral water, herbal tea, rosehip broth, chicory.
- To maintain the beauty of hair and nails, you can take special supplements in the form of tablets.
- To really achieve good results, you must strictly follow the menu. If you go astray or use a banned product, start over.
- Mental attitude is equally important. Make sure you're ready for a week of solid food restriction.
- To facilitate the weight loss process and see the results of each day visually, draw a ladder with 7 steps on a piece of paper. Under each item, write your menu for the day, and at the end of the day, enter your weight.
- Food that you have refused during the period of weight loss should be introduced into the diet gradually, no more than 2 per day.
- To get enough small portions, nutritionists recommend chewing food slowly and with focus.
- The Lesenka diet does not exclude sports. If you feel good during weight loss, don't skip running, dancing, gymnastics, or other physical activities.
The menu of the 5-step diet in 7 days
Ladder weight loss method is very convenient because the menu for each day is clearly scheduled. As a result, you don't have to think long and hard about what foods to make up your diet, how many calories are in beef or white bread. The basis of nutrition are dairy products, turkey or other poultry, apples, honey, raisins and vegetables. Each type of product has its own purpose:
- Apples contain a large amount of pectin and perfectly satisfy hunger. Together with sorbents, they help cleanse the intestines.
- Kefir, yogurt, low-fat cheese contain live bifidobacteria - the foundation of the human microbiome. Thanks to fermented dairy products, you can avoid bloating, gas and constipation.
- Raisins with honey will help replenish the energy supply spent, and the gluten supply will not be converted into fat by the body.
- Poultry will keep you from falling apart and fulfilling your plans, while also helping to build muscle tissue.
- Vegetables are an excellent source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. They will help reinforce the results achieved, alleviating weakness and nutrient deficiencies.
The active phase of the Lesenka diet falls on the first five days. During such a short period of moderate fasting, the body does not have time to go into a state of stress, so the risk of side effects is minimal. It is strictly forbidden to prolong this diet for a longer time. The weight loss plan is as follows:
- Stage 1 - cleansing of the intestines;
- Stage 2 - normalization of the microflora;
- Stage 3 - prevent loss of strength, replenish energy deficit;
- Stage 4 - the formation of muscle tissue;
- Stage 5 - fat burning;
- Stages 6 and 7 - a smooth exit from the Lasenka diet.
Day 1 - Cleansing
At the initial stage, it is necessary to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, prepare for the process of weight loss. In this case, apples combined with activated charcoal will help you. Pectin and natural absorbers will speed up metabolism, remove toxins, toxins and gas from the intestines. You can replace the black activated charcoal with white charcoal if you wish, but note that its effectiveness is considered lower. Menu for the first day of the Lesenka diet:
- 1 kg of green apples, which must be distributed during the day. Make sure that the meal is regular - 2-3 hours.
- 1-2 tablets of activated charcoal an hour before meals. In order for the sorbent to be better absorbed by the body, it must be washed off with plenty of water.
- One and a half to two liters of filtered or filtered water. Drink as needed to stay hydrated.
In the early stages of losing weight about two kilograms, you should not stop there. The remaining steps are aimed directly at preparing the body and burning fat. Please note that on the first day, all foods are completely excluded, except for those that are allowed, including tea, coffee or other beverages. Some women note that diarrhea occurs during cleansing. You should not worry about this symptom, it will go away on its own as soon as you move on to the next step.
You can easily get through the first day of the Lesenka diet if you don't eat raw apples, but only baked apples. Their recipe is very simple:
- Wash part of the apple thoroughly, cut it in half and remove the core.
- Pierce the peel with a toothpick or fork in several places to prevent the apples from cracking during cooking.
- Pour into the microwave's glass dish 2 tbsp. l. water, arrange the halves of the fruit.
- Sprinkle apples with ground cinnamon, if desired.
- Bake in microwave for 5-7 minutes at 800 watts.
Day 2 - Recovery
After completely cleaning the intestines of harmful substances on the first day, you should take care of restoring its microflora and work on regulating digestive processes. Water, cheese and kefir will help you cope with the task. Dairy products not only provide beneficial intestinal bifidobacteria, but also provide satiating protein for the body, helping to avoid weakness, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms of hunger.
The approximate Ladder menu for the recovery phase should look like this:
- After waking up, drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water. Eat 100 grams of fresh 0% fat cheese mixed with a little vanilla, mint or cinnamon.
- For a second breakfast, drink a glass of fat-free kefir. If desired, it can be replaced with low-fat fermented yogurt or baked milk. Eat 100 grams of fresh cottage cheese with mint.
- For lunch, use the same set of products as for the second breakfast. In this case, the mint can be replaced with cinnamon. Drink a glass of water.
- Two hours after dinner, eat 70 grams of cheese with vanilla, drink 200 ml of mineral water.
- The dinner menu is similar to lunch, but you can mix cottage cheese and kefir together. Remember that the last meal should not be later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Day 3 - Energy
After the first two days, the body will begin to experience an unpleasant state of energy - weakness, dizziness appears. This is because in the first two stages, almost all of the supply of glycogen, a polysaccharide, is used up, without which weight loss would be very difficult. To replenish your stores without causing excess fat deposition, you need to eat every day:
- 400 grams of raisins;
- 2-3 tbsp. l. honey, divided into 4 doses;
- 2 liters dried fruit compote.
Such formulation of the menu for the third day of the Lesenka diet helps to avoid the plateau effect (weight loss). The listed products contain glucose, which will give you energy, but at the same time will not increase the amount of subcutaneous fat, and the compote will saturate the body with the necessary macronutrients: potassium, magnesium, Iron. Preparing an aromatic drink is not difficult:
- Soak 400 grams of dried apricots, 200 grams of dried apples or pears in warm water. Let the fruit swell slightly.
- Drain the water and add a quart and a half of clean liquid to the pan along with the dried fruit.
- Put the box on the fire and cook for 20-30 minutes. If desired, before cooking in the compote, you can add an asterisk of cloves, lemon zest, 1 tbsp. l. apple syrup.
- Let the finished drink brew for 2-3 hours, then strain.
Day 4 - Construction
Regarding the previous steps of Ladder, the fourth stage will seem calorie-laden, leaving you satisfied and full. The goal of this day, like the previous one, is to prevent weight loss, but with the help of protein-rich foods. The build step helps restore the amino acid supply lost during the cleansing and recovery phases, improving hematopoiesis and building muscle tissue. In the absence of discomfort at this time, you can enhance weight loss with exercise.
A hearty day involves eating white poultry. Proper chicken without skin, turkey breast. All day you need to eat up to 0. 5 kg of poultry meat and drink about 1. 5 liters of water. You can cook meat in any way - boiled, stewed, fried without oil and salt. Turkey breast will be delicious if baked in the oven with herbs:
- Preheat oven to 180°C.
- Grease the breasts with Dijon mustard (take about 300 grams), mix with 50 ml of lemon and the same amount of soy sauce.
- Let the meat infuse the flavors for 2 hours.
- Place the brisket on a baking tray lined with foil. Sprinkle dill over the meat.
- Bake, uncovered with foil, for 40 minutes.

Day 5 - Burn fat
The final stage of the Ladder is aimed at burning the subcutaneous fat layer. The process of weight loss on day 5 takes place due to the use of low-calorie foods (bran, oatmeal, berries, fruits, vegetables) and the body expends a lot of energy to digest fiber. The daily menu of the final period looks like this:
- 300 g of oatmeal (raw product weight);
- 1 kg of any raw vegetables or fruits (except bananas, potatoes, peas, radishes);
- 1-2 liters of water without gas.
Oatmeal can be simply poured with boiling water in the evening, or you can cook porridge from cereals in water without sugar and oil. The dish will taste better if you add fresh berries, unsweetened fruit to it. Vegetables can be eaten alone or as a salad. To prepare a healthy snack, you will need:
- white cabbage - 300 g;
- Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2;
- cucumbers - 2 pcs;
- parsley, dill or other herbs, spinach - to taste;
- vinegar - 1 tsp;
- olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Cooking process:
- Remove the upper leaves of the cabbage and chop finely. Mix well by hand.
- Remove the middle and stem of the chili and cut it into thin strips.
- Cut cucumbers into circles or half rings.
- Mix vinegar with olive oil.
- Mix vegetables, add chopped greens.
- Put the ice in.
Day 6-7 - Quit the diet
The goal of the final phase of the Ladder is to consolidate the results and gradually return to the correct diet. The menu on the 6th and 7th is no longer as frugal as the day before. For breakfast, it is recommended to eat carbohydrates, and for lunch and dinner - protein. It is advisable to divide small portions so as not to overload a weak stomach, and meals should be frequent - 4-5 times a day.
Rice porridge with fruit boiled with milk and water provides additional energy, vitamins and amino acids. For 4 servings you will need the following products:
- round grain rice - 1 tbsp;
- water - 2 tablespoons;
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
- milk - 1 tbsp;
- salt - a pinch;
- any fruit or berry.
Cooking process:
- Rinse the rice under running water.
- Bring the water to a boil, pour the prepared rice into the pan.
- Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally for 10 minutes.
- Add sugar, salt, and milk. Cook for another 5-7 minutes.
- Cover the finished porridge pot, garnish with fruit before serving.
In the middle of the day, it is important to eat a liquid dish - cream soup, vegetarian borscht, chicken broth with dumplings. Pumpkin soup normalizes good digestion. To prepare it, buy the products from the list:
- pumpkin - 750 g;
- carrots - 5 pcs;
- onions - 3 pcs;
- broth - 1. 5 l;
- boiled chicken fillet - 200 g;
- green trees.
How to make Pumpkin Soup:
- Cut the squash into bite-sized chunks, add water and salt.
- Put the vegetables in to boil.
- Grate carrots and onions on a grater with large holes. Fry butter until golden brown.
- Add the sautéed vegetables to the squash and cook until tender (40-60 minutes).
- Finally, add the shredded chicken breast and greens to the broth.
What to do in the event of an incident
The most difficult phases of the Lesenka diet are lifting or cleansing and recovery. Many women, unable to tolerate a frugal diet for the first two days, have allowed themselves to eat more than specified in the menu. According to the rules of the diet, such behavior is unacceptable. If you have lost your balance and violated a strict diet, you should stop the diet, refocus and continue to lose weight according to the program for 2-4 days.
The drastic switch from a regular to a restricted diet is not always beneficial for the body. People with the following contraindications must abandon this method of weight loss:
- inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (digestive tract);
- liver and kidney disease;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- cancer cancer;
- pregnancy;
- Breastfeeding;
- Diabetes;
- hemorrhoids.
Pros and cons of the Lesenka diet
Due to the drastic change in diet, the Lesenka step diet can lead to intestinal disorders - constipation, diarrhea, flatulence. In addition, the results achieved of this weight loss program will not be lasting if, after completion, you completely return to your familiar rhythm and menu. These significant downsides do not imply many of the positive aspects of the diet. Benefits include:
- Easy mobility. Many women note that it is much easier for them to stick to Ladder's rules than other aspects of the crash diet. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible products and drink the right amount of water.
- Ration availability versus product cost. All the dishes on the menu are cheap in the store, which makes Lesenka even more attractive to many ladies.
- Simplicity. The diet dictates the correct portion sizes and foods that are allowed. No need to count calories or figure out what to cook for tomorrow.