It is easy to get confused in many modern diets, but the protein diet still stands out on the list. The Dukan diet is a prominent representative of the protein food system, which involves eating enough food, but with a different ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Basic knowledge of diet
The Dukan diet is known in many countries. The effectiveness of this method has been proven by numerous studies and applications. However, nutritionist Pierre Duncan himself insists that he does not build a diet but a balanced diet so that the body is not hungry and stressed.

Weight loss occurs because the body burns subcutaneous fat and stores carbohydrates, while the stomach is not empty but is digesting protein food.
A good competitor here would be the Lesenka diet, which is essentially a daily supply of varying levels of nutrients. Different products, different approaches in 5 days don't get bored.
Those who want to reduce their shape with the help of the Dukan diet need to familiarize themselves with the basic principles:
- Lead an active lifestyle, move around a lot, run or walk. Do a daily walk in the fresh air, lasting 30-40 minutes. Losing weight through diets is not rational, the body must perform physical activity, because it is in the muscles that the fat tissue is burned.
- Drink plenty of water (not juice, juice or drink but still water). On a protein diet, the body flushes out accumulated fluid, and daily fluid replenishment is task number one for weight loss.
- Strictly follow the diet and the phases of the diet. If you make individual adjustments to your diet or don't follow it, you shouldn't expect an effective result.
- Eliminate foods containing light carbohydrates from your diet. It is allowed to use complex and indigestible carbohydrates in the form of cereals, bran.
- Oat bran should be an essential ingredient in your daily diet. They prevent the formation of constipation during the diet and provide the body with an appropriate portion of carbohydrates.

The main stages of the diet
The Dukan Diet is not only based on following a certain diet, but it also divides the entire dietary process into phases that correspond to your diet and the list of products. There are four stages in total:
- Attack.
- alternate
- Anchor
- Stable
It is worth considering each stage separately.
Attack phase
This is the first phase of the diet, it consists only of eating foods with protein. The duration of this phase takes an average of 7 days, but this period can range from 3 to 9 days. The selection of the duration of the first phase occurs individually and depends on the amount of excess weight and the state of health of the loser.
Weight in excess of 30 kg or more suggests a maximum brewing time of up to 9-10 days, when in excess of 20 kg - 7 days and with a slight excess of up to 20 kg - 3-5 days. During this period, maximum weight loss occurs, which involves limiting the intake of carbohydrates and fats.
Recommendation: the attack phase accepts the consumption of protein products of animal origin: meat, fish, seafood and dairy products. You can use them in unlimited but reasonable quantities and in any form (fried, boiled, steamed).
As for the accompanying additives, their list includes: oat bran (mandatory daily), mustard, salt, onion, seasoning, ketchup, crab stick (no more than 8 pieces per day). ), lemon, olive oil. From drinks, diet drinks, fat-free kefir, tea and coffee are all allowed.
Meat should not be high in fat, excluding pork, lamb, rabbit, duck, goose. If a bird is present in the diet, it should be consumed without the skin. Restrictions apply to vegetables and fruits.
During this period, the body is under stress, there is a restructuring of the internal metabolism. For some people, this stage can be serious: dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness and other symptoms indicate that it is necessary to move on to the next stage.
Alternating or "flying" phase
The essence of this stage is the introduction of additional foods (vegetables, tubers, fruits) into the diet but not continuously but selectively for a certain period of time. The intervals should be equal: for a day, for two days or more, it all depends on the amount of excess weight before the diet. If its value does not exceed 10 kg, the interval can be the smallest (1x1, 2x2), and if its value is greater than 10 kg, the maximum interval is 5x5.
The duration of the second period is determined individually, as well as the first period. The period is one to two months, the duration of which depends directly on the amount of weight lost during the initial period. The larger it is, the longer the second phase will last.
In phase 2, the diet should be more diverse, can add the following foods:
- all products from the first stage;
- non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, asparagus, cabbage, mushrooms);
- unsweetened fruit;
- skim milk and cheese;
- bread.
You can only add fruits and vegetables on the days whose menu corresponds to the second period. That is 5 days protein menu from the first phase, the next 5 days protein-vegetable menu from phase two. Furthermore, you cannot mix batch 2 products together, you can only choose two ingredients per day and use them.
Among the prohibited vegetables and fruits are: potatoes, corn, legumes, bananas, cherries, avocados, grapes.
If in the first stage the state of health deteriorates, in the second stage the state will stabilize, the state of health will improve, and the metabolism will be restored.
The "repair" phase
The third stage helps to consolidate the results, the duration of which also depends on the "lost" kilograms. For every one kilogram of weight loss, there are ten days of the third phase. The diet during this period should be more like a normal day and should not cause discomfort for weight loss.
In addition to products from the first and second stages, the diet also includes the following:
- starchy vegetables (potatoes, legumes, corn);
- pasta;
- cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).
At this stage, it is allowed to break the diet twice a week, but it is harmful for one meal. For example, you could eat breakfast containing your favorite carbohydrates, but skip lunch or dinner instead.
An important rule at this stage is the daily consumption of any fruit, with the exception of bananas, grapes and cherries. They are high in sugar, which quickly turns into subcutaneous fat.
The "stable" phase
This stage is the final stage, and in fact, a postulate for later life after the diet. Its rules are simple, and following them will allow you to stay in shape without resorting to diets:
- drink plenty of water every day (at least 1. 5 liters);
- live an active lifestyle;
- arrange a protein menu once a week, meeting the requirements of the first stage;
- Eat oat bran every day.
The implementation of the above recommendations will lead to success for all those who want to get rid of excess weight, and most importantly, stay at the level that has already been achieved or overcome it.
Approved products
You can summarize the list of allowed foods on the Dukan diet:
- meat (beef, veal, pigeon, chicken, quail);
- eggs (chicken, quail, preferably without yolk);
- low-fat dairy products and yogurt (milk, kefir, cheese, cheese, yogurt, cheese);
- seafood in any form and quantity;
- pincers;
- river and sea fish;
- oat bran;
- vegetables that do not contain or contain small amounts of starch;
- unsweetened fruit;
- sugar-free beverages, tea and coffee;
- seasoning, seasoning, sauce.
In addition to the developed diet plan, nutritionist Dukan has published a cookbook with recipes. The dishes in the Dukan cookbook include only foods on the list of permissible diets, which greatly facilitates the entire process of losing weight and inventing new dishes.

Among the most simple and popular dishes, it is worth noting the following:
- "Crab Salad". To prepare it you will need: half a Chinese cabbage, 4 crab sticks, 4 tablespoons canned corn. Chop the cabbage and crab sticks, mash the cabbage and season with salt. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and toss the salad with lemon juice and homemade lean mayonnaise.
- "Fish balls with cheese. "For cooking you will need: 0. 2 kg of fish (salmon), 0. 4 kg of low-fat cheese, 1 egg, 4 tablespoons of oatmeal. Preparation: mix cheese with eggs, add chopped fish balls without skin. Add seasoning and seasoning to taste. Form balls from the resulting mixture and roll them in oatmeal, put in a pan or bake and fry over low heat. Do not use oil for frying, do everything in a dry pan.
- Yogurt dessert. You can pamper yourself during the diet with a dessert, you will need: 0. 2 kg of low-fat natural yogurt, eggs - 2 pieces, 50 g of corn starch. Place all ingredients in a bowl, except eggs. They need to be divided into proteins and yolks: immediately send the yolks to the finished mixture, and beat the proteins with a whisk until creamy and also add to the mixture. Desserts can be sweetened with a sugar substitute, as well as adding flavoring and salt. Pour the resulting mixture into a baking dish and put in the oven for 20 minutes.
- "Beef with eggplant. "For two servings you will need: 0. 3 kg of beef, cut into small squares, 1 eggplant, 2 tomatoes, 0. 150 kg of mushrooms (champignons), 1 clove of garlic, parsley, salt, pepper. Preparation: cut eggplant into slices or cubes and pour in water to soak for 30 minutes (it will stop bitter). Drain the water from the eggplant and pat dry on a paper towel. Cut the tomato into slices, the mushrooms into slices, and then add the eggplant to the pot. Add garlic and parsley, add water and cook for 30 minutes. Take a deep oven dish, put some vegetables on the bottom, then salt and meat, and the rest of the vegetables on top. Send to the oven for 15-20 minutes.

It is not necessary to use recipes from Dukan's books; You can also create your own menu from the permitted products that correspond to the phase of the diet.
How many kilos can you lose?
Before talking about the estimated number of kilograms lost, it is necessary to clarify the factors that affect them:
- the presence of physical activity and its severity: if you do not play sports or at least walk, then you should not talk about a good result;
- lack of enough water in the diet: water contributes to weight loss, especially with a high-protein diet;
- excess weight: nutrition experts believe that the higher the excess body weight index, the more kilograms the person who is losing weight will lose;
- duration of the diet and its individual phases.
The average indicator for weight loss can be considered 5-15 kg. Moreover, each phase has its own changes and weight loss. The first phase of the diet is the most important, as it contributes to the maximum rate of weight loss. The next second phase is marked by small losses, and the third and fourth periods completely consolidate the results.
Review of the Dukan diet
First review
"I heard about the Dukan diet many times, but didn't dare try it. Somehow scary, many people talk about low back pain, weakness and discomfort. Maybe I will look for an alternative solution. substitute for this diet. "
Second review
"My husband's sister often visits France. There, this diet is just a brand, even in supermarkets there are separate shelves for products corresponding to this diet. she also tried this method of weight loss. Results are 10kg in 2 months. Won't stop.
I'm currently on another diet, but in a month I'll also be starting the Dukan diet to stay in shape according to the seasons.
Third review
"Girls, don't try this diet! I was careless and sat down on it to the fullest. A week later I felt the earth leaving under my feet, it was black in my eyes, it hummed. ticks in my ears Low back or kidney pain, I don't know why, but very scary and dangerous.
I went to the hospital, where the nurse said I wasn't the first to be diagnosed with this. Before applying this diet on your own, you need to consult and consult with your doctor. Protein diets are dangerous for the kidneys and can cause tissue damage, so don't experiment on your own. "
fourth review
"I've been on this diet more than once. Thank God I haven't noticed any side effects. Maybe it's because the 1st session lasted no more than (5 days) but the 2nd session didn't alternate the sessions. every day on the protein and protein-vegetables menu, she eats both protein and vegetables every day I am satisfied with the result (-8 kg) This diet can be used more often, but it is very expensive, especially in winter.
Fifth review
"Recently I was watching a TV show, and there the endocrinologist told me that nothing can be done without carbohydrates and glucose. Our brains eat them, and if they stop entering the body, we can't do anything. maybe, first the brain will starve, and then it will die. I don't know if this is true or not, they can say anything on TV, but I thought, what if theNegative reviews on the Internet are not without reason, and in fact, you can harm your health?